WNA Convention postponed amid mounting COVID-19 concerns

Due to the ongoing threat posed by COVID-19, the 2020 WNA Convention & Trade Show, scheduled for March 19-20 in Pewaukee, has been postponed. We are evaluating plans to reschedule the event and will release additional details as they become available.

The WNA has closely monitored guidance issued by public health organizations in recent weeks and was working to implement precautions to ensure attendee safety.

However, given growing concerns, warnings from many organizations restricting travel and meeting attendance, and the declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization, the difficult decision was made to postpone this year’s convention following several discussions among staff and the WNA executive committee.

The WNA Convention is one of several other industry conventions canceled or postponed due to concerns surrounding the virus, and comes on the heels of an announcement from IRE that an attendee of their conference last week in Louisiana has presumptively tested positive for the virus.

Although we regret not being able to connect with each of you next week, our primary concern will always be the health and well-being of our attendees, exhibitors, speakers and staff.


When will I be able to receive my award for the 2019 Better Newspaper Contest?

The WNA hopes to reschedule the convention for late summer or early fall, at which time winners will be presented with their awards at the annual Better Newspaper Contest Banquet (or Student Honors Luncheon).

Due to the uncertainty surrounding the development of the COVID-19 outbreak, if the WNA is unable to make arrangements for a rescheduled convention by July 1, winners will be announced at that time and awards will be mailed to recipients.

What should I do about my registration if I was planning to attend the convention?

You can cancel your registration for a full refund, or you can apply your registration to the rescheduled convention. If you would like to cancel for a refund, please contact WNA Membership & Communications Director Julia Hunter at Julia.Hunter@wnanews.com by March 19. If we do not hear from you by March 19, your payment will automatically be applied to registration for the rescheduled convention.

Can I cancel my lodging?

Yes. You must cancel the Ingleside Hotel directly at (262) 547-0201 to cancel your reservation more than 48 hours prior to your scheduled check-in.

I am a sponsor or exhibitor. Do I receive a refund?

You may request a refund or apply your payment toward the rescheduled WNA Convention & Trade Show.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association